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The extensive churchyard is well used by those visiting graves from the recent to the distant past, by those wishing to spend time in reflection sitting on one of the many benches, and those just out for a walk.

The churchyard includes War Graves and the graves of the Poet Laureate, Robert Southey; co-founder of the National Trust and Vicar of Crosthwaite, Canon Rawnsley; and the railway photographer, Bishop Treacy.

Crosthwaite Churchyard - Please help us to keep this special place tidy
Wreaths and flowers
Fresh cut flowers may be placed on graves or put into small removable vases at the base of the headstone.
Please remove flowers and wreaths when withered
Artificial flowers are not normally allowed, with the exception of Remembrance Day Poppies
Spring Bulbs and Flowering Plants
Spring bulbs may be planted in the soil of the grave
Small flowering plants may be placed in removable containers at the base of the headstone
Trees, Bushes, Shrubs and Plants
May not be planted in the soil of the grave
The regulations are set by the Diocese of Carlisle. Anything that contravenes the rules – including gravel, edgings, large pots and figurines – may be removed by the maintenance team.
Please note that permission from the Vicar must be obtained before the erection of any memorial. Permission must also be obtained for the burial of cremated remains (ashes)
Thank you for your help